I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Kylie Franics about five random facts about herself, what she's learned since creating her own business. Plus what she is currently working on. Check out my interview with Kylie below:
Loryn: What's a lesson you've learned since creating your own business ?
Kylie: Nothing goes according to plan! & what you think is “perfect” now will make you personally cringe in a year, which is why I love to teach the concept “done is better than perfect”. Start making moves without needing to know how everything is going to pan out, because it’s more than likely not going to even go in the direction you planned for anyway!
Loryn: What advice would you give those interested in becoming an entrepreneur?
Kylie: Say yes to every opportunity that comes your way, love what you do, & don’t start a business just because theres a “make millions” claim attached to it. Money comes when you follow your purpose with passion and consistency. Commit to helping others get what they want, and you will get everything you want.
Loryn: What's a lesson you've learned from your failures?
Kylie: Struggles are just opportunities to learn. If something didn’t go your way, what can you learn from it? That’s how you grow.
Loryn: What are you currently working on?
Kylie: Growing my social media marketing & consulting agency, completing my digital course library, and I’m starting to write my first book!
Loryn: What is something many people may not know about you?
Kylie: That I was an Olympic Trails qualifier in swimming, I drink iced coffee even when its snowing outside, I’m starting a multifamily real estate business, and I can write my name backwards in cursive ;)
Be sure to stay updated with Kylie Franics by checking out her website :https://www.kyliefrancis.com/. Plus you can contact with her on all social platforms under the name Kylie Franics.