I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Chase Coleman about five random facts about himself, who his dream guest for his podcast. Plus what he is currently working on. Check out my interview with Chase below:
Loryn: Who is your dream guest that you'd love to bring onto your podcast?
Chase: For a dream guest - there's two people. I would love to have Lebron and Simon Sinek. Lebron has been one of my favorite athletes since I was young and his story is interesting - to be in the face of the media since you're 15 years old (maybe younger) and to deal with scrutiny at such a young age, I could only imagine the struggles he had to conquer. I believe his story is applicable for all who want to be successful in any field. As for Simon, he is one of my favorite authors - his book, Start with Why, is my all-time favorite. He has an interesting view on life and one that I embody, so it's definitely a goal to get him on the podcast one day to share his insights and have a great conversation!
Loryn:What advice would you give to millennials during this particular time?
Chase: Times are tough, but we are tougher!! We have been through Y2K, 9/11, the 2008 recession and now good ole Corona virus. Every time we go through a crisis, we come out stronger than ever. Stay connected with your friends, do the things you didn't have the time to do, and love yourself. It's important to focus on self-health, whether it's working on loving yourself or a passion project you've always.
Loryn: What would you consider as your biggest accomplishment?
Chase: This is a tough one. I've accomplished many things, as we all have, but the one I'm most proud of is getting one of the people I mentor (Charles) into a Masters program and then into a PhD program. Charles did the work, but with my guidance he is now a minority student-athlete who is embarking on his PhD and I cannot be more proud. Breaking barriers and making the path easier for those I mentor is what I would consider my biggest accomplishment that I'm always working on.
Loryn: What are you currently working on?
Chase: Currently I'm working on a webinar series and my book! I'm giving a webinar next week (5/20) and plan on turning the webinar into a full course for college graduates and young professionals. When I was graduating, I wish college would have had a class about landing your first job and starting your career - and since they don't, I took the liberty to offer this through what I've learned in my experiences.
Loryn: What is something not many know about you?
Chase: I LOVE basketball. Even though I played football on the division 1 level in college, my dream was to always play division 1 basketball on the collegiate level. Growing up, my dad worked for the Atlanta Hawks, then started his own business (rooted in basketball), so I was always around the game, professional athletes and always playing. I won 2 state titles in high school and played a national schedule, which was an amazing experience, but I am vertically challenged (aka short), so I decided to play football as I loved the sport and it helped me accomplish my goal. Whenever I have the chance, I try to travel to a new NBA arena or NFL stadium to experience it first hand in a new city.
Be sure to stay updated with Chase Coleman by checking out his website :https://www.itsmillennialtalk.com/themillennialway . Plus you can contact with him on all social platforms under the name Chase Coleman and _millennialway .