I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Comfort Ajibola about five random facts about herself, what inspired her to start creating video content . Plus what the coolest thing she is currently working on. Check out my interview with Comfort below:
Loryn: What's your favorite type of video content to create?
Comfort:I enjoy creating an educational videos, motivational or creative videos that show creative skill. I have always enjoyed watching such videos myself and that's why I do the same. I believe that it is important for people to consume content that enriches their lives and encourages them to go further than ever before.
Loryn: How do you plan to continue building your brand?
Comfort: I am trying to create as much content as possible, in all forms across as many social media platforms as possible. It is challenging but I am getting the hang of it. As time goes, I would like to have a team with me, where we work in synergy with all our creavtive styles and values put together to create magic.
Loryn: What's a lesson you've learned since being self-employed?
Comfort:It is incredibly challenging, you can't do everything alone, you need the right people around you to get things done effectively and faster. Accountability and effective communication lines are crucial to completing projects and to build myself as well as those around me.
Loryn: What is something you are currently working on?
Comfort: Currently working on generating sales through content creation for clients. I am the Head of Operations at Jumper Namibia. Jumper Namibia creates creative and exciting POV content for corporate companies and clients alike, to help them with their branding and filming needs. We also aim to educate and encourage content creation throughout the country by teaching skills and sharing our knowledge and therefore improving the standard of content creation in our country.
Loryn: What is something not very many people know about you?
Comfort: I am extremely passionate about helping people whether it is in business or otherwise. I believe that my sole purpose is to help and I try to do that in as many ways as I possibly can, with all that I am doing.
Be sure to stay contacted with Comfort Ajibola through all of her social media platforms: YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/comfortajibola
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/comfort-ajibola
Wordpress: https://comfortajibola.wordpress.com/blog/