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Learn What's The Right Fit For You withVictoria G

I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Victoria G to learn five random facts about herself and who she would love to interview next. Check out my interview with Victoria below:

Loryn: What inspired you to post your interviewees on Wattpad?

Victoria: Wattpad is a website that I have followed for quite some time, so when I was looking for a platform to publish my interviews it was the right fit for me. It's extremely user-friendly and is a great site for writers of all genres.

Loryn: Who would you love to interview next?

Victoria: There are so many talented people, who I keep reaching out to. I think some of them are probably tired of hearing from me (laughs). However, a big one that sticks out to me is Robert Pattinson. He's one of my favorite actors and I've been a massive fan of his for over a decade. Who knows, maybe with his new film, The Batman coming out next year I may have my chance.

Loryn: If you had the world's attention in one minute what would you say or do?

Victoria: I would probably just stand there expressing my love for entertainment. I could talk someone's ear off about it all day (laughs), but on a self-promotional level, I would ask people to check out my art and interviews (laughs).

Loryn: How has the pandemic changed you?

Victoria: I feel like the pandemic changed everyone in some way for sure. I have always been a germaphobe, so I would definitely say my fear of germs has certainly heightened, but I also feel it has created a positive change in me as well. I have learned to let things happen as they may and to be more patient with the opportunities I hope to achieve.

Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

Victoria: I think people would be surprised to learn that I have a lot of collections. I collect things as small as marbles to as big as movie posters.

Be sure to stay updated with Victoria G by checking out some of her interviews on her social media platforms:

TW: @HelloVictoriaG

Wattpad: victoriag

IG: hellovictoriag

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