I recently had the opportunity to interview Daelyanna Kelly Benson to learn five random facts about herself and she shared what future projects she'd love to accomplish in 2024. Check out my interview with Daelyanna Kelly Benson below:
Loryn: If you got offered the opportunity to go on Dancing with the Star, who would you want as your dance partner?
Daelyanna: I would want to dance with my dad because I love dancing with him. Interestingly, I haven't seen Dancing With The Stars enough, but my dad was a makeup artist on the show when I was a baby.
Loryn: What is something fans should know about your latest film, Separate?
Daelyanna: This is something that could happen in the real world, and it's important to understand that everyone should be treated equally because we are all the same.
Loryn: What acting or singing projects would you love to accomplish in 2024?
Daelyanna: Hopefully, something that involves Disney and Nickelodeon and doing music videos for my songs "Who I Am" and "Free the Bun."
Loryn: What has your experience been to tour on The Tina Turner Musical as Young Alline/Young Craig?
Daelyanna: My experience has been great; I have learned a lot about stage acting and found out that it is a LOT different than screen acting.
Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
Daelyanna: One surprising thing people may not know about me is that I want to go to space.
Be sure to stay updated with her by following her on her social media platforms:
INSTAGRAM: @daelyanna_daily
TIKTOK: @daelyanna_daily
FACEBOOK: @daelyannadaily