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  • Writer's pictureLoryn

Learn How To Create From The Heart with Laura Cheadle

I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Laura Cheadle to learn five random facts about herself and what message would she give fans about your upcoming music. Check out my interview with Laura below:

Loryn: What lesson has the entertainment industry taught you?

Laura: It has taught me to stay true to myself and create genuine music that comes from my soul. There have been plenty of times in my career where I thought, "Hm maybe I should make music sound a certain way to be more commercial". However, I never wavered because my intuition always told me to create from my heart. I am so happy I listened to my gut because I am where I am today!

Loryn: What message would you give your fan about your upcoming music?

Laura: My upcoming music features my soulful and sultry side with flavors of R&B, Pop and Soul. I LOVE this kind of music and I have written many songs in that vein. The new EP will range from sultry love songs to inspiring songs about living your life to your fullest potential. My first single, "Reverberate" is now out on all platforms! Stay tuned for the music video that features incredible animation!

Loryn: What made you decide to sign a deal with So Bold Entertainment/ Sony Orchard?

Laura: So Bold Ent/Sony Orchard really understands me as an artist and that's a beautiful thing in this music industry. Sony Orchard is a part of Sony Music so it's a true honor to release music under their name. So Bold Ent lets me be myself and encourages me to create music that is true to me. I'm excited for you to see what we have in store!

Loryn: What is the story behind your upcoming Christmas song Let’s Get Together For Christmas?

Laura: "Let's Get Together For Christmas" is not only a song but the name of my Christmas EP coming out December 1st with So Bold Ent/Sony Orchard! The album contains many original soulful Christmas songs and covers. "Let's Get Together For Christmas" is an R&B song my dad wrote about coming home for Christmas to the one you love, even after hard times. I had an amazing time creating this album and that will be available on my website and all streaming platforms, just in time for the holidays!

Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

Laura: I run 8 miles every single day because it clears my mind. I even write songs while running. I don't even listen to music while running. I love to sit with my thoughts. It truly is the ultimate creative high!

Be sure to stay updated with Laura Cheadle by checking out her website: Be sure to check out her social media platforms below:

FB: @LauraCheadleMusic

TW: @LauraCheadle

YT: @Laura Cheadle

IG: lauracheadlemusic

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