I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Kiley Dean to learn five random facts about herself and the inspiration behind her new single Overcome. Check out my interview with Kiley Dean below:
Loryn: What was the inspiration behind your new single Overcome?
Kiley: The inspiration behind "Overcome" was to tell my experiences of God's goodness. That just because bad things happen doesn’t mean God changes. He stays the same even in the hard times. Losing a pregnancy. Getting diagnosed. Fighting unhealthy addictions. All of this has touched my life. But God has remained faithful through it all. That’s the premise of "Overcome."
Loryn: What is a goal you hope to accomplish this quarter?
Kiley: The goals I’d love to accomplish is getting my songs on playlists so the world can hear these words. I want to tour these songs and share my testimony with others.
Loryn: Who is an artist you'd love to collaborate with in the future?
Kiley: Chris Stapleton!
Loryn: What is a lesson you've learned from being in the music industry?
Kiley: Doesn’t matter how talented you are. Timing and work ethic are everything. Don’t believe all the crap people tell you about yourself. Believe in yourself no matter what it takes. That sounds a little juvenile but that’s where the industry kind of messed me up. They told me who I was and who I was, what I would be, and what I wouldn’t be. After a while, I just believed it. And I got lost in those lies. Now 20 years deep into this “music industry” career of mine I’m seeking to find WHO I know I am. It’s a journey but I’m here for the ride. And I feel good about myself. I believe I am who God says I am.
Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
Kiley: Well, I'm an open book. But if I had to say I guess it would be the fact that I didn’t graduate high school. Lol, I left my senior year to go on tour with Britney Spears and never looked back. God has been incredibly kind to me and allowed me to work in an industry I love for so long that I’ve never had to go back to school.
Be sure to stay updated with Kiley Deans by checking out her website: https://kileydeanovercome.com/. Be sure to check out her social media platforms and music and music profiles below:
IG: @kileydean
FB: @KileyDeanMusic
YT: Kiley Dean Spotify: Kiley Dean
TW: @KileyDean