I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Darryl Bellamy Jr about five random facts about himself, what fear has taught him about himself . Plus learning an interesting fact about Darryl. Check out my interview with Darryl below:
Loryn: What advice would you give someone who's trying to overcome fear during this pandemic?
Darryl: It all depends on what fear we're discussing. Presently there's a lot of uncertainty in the world. When it comes to school, jobs, and health, we don't know what will happen from day to day. First, I would advise you to ask yourself what is certain in your life? When you consider or write what you can count on daily, that creates your base your foundation. Secondly, focus on gratitude. I wake up every day and ask myself, what am I grateful for in my life? That thought immediately helps me start the day off with a positive outlook. That positive outlook often drives the rest of my day. Thirdly, once you have a positive outlook down, you have to ask better questions. Better questions create better solutions and outcomes. During this time, my constant question is, what is this time for? What does God want me to provide to the world at this moment? Nothing in life is a mistake. I'm using these times to improve, grow, and serve. There are undoubtedly hard days, but I take the focus off myself and consider who needs me at this moment.
Loryn: What has fear taught you about yourself?
Darryl: Fear has taught me to take action. When I feel fear, I don't automatically look at it as bad; I look at it as a signal for some action I need to take. Do I retreat, or do I step forward? Reading over 52,000 written fears from people worldwide has taught me that I'm not alone in my fears, and you aren't either. No matter how you feel or what you're going through, I've read your fear before. So many people think they're the only ones suffering. I want you to know for a fact that you are not alone.
Loryn: What advice would you give your younger self?
Darryl: You're going to be alright.
That's also the advice I give my current self. One of my favorite quotes is a quote by Steve Jobs, where he says, "we can't connect the dots looking forward, only backward, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect." I can remember some tough times in school where I was just in my head. Looking back, I can see how any challenging moment in my past has gotten me to where I am today. The same is true today; focus on little progress and know you're on a journey, and everything is meant to teach you something. Focus on what you are meant to learn.
Loryn: What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
Darryl: My biggest accomplishment to date is a five-year goal I had to speak in front of the largest audience of greek students in the country. Being on that stage was the culmination of a total 10-year journey. This goal was first a thought that evolved into my dream coming true. Watch the documentary here on me reaching the goal here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAG5axAOGbE&t=193s5.
Loryn: What's something not very many people know about you?
Darryl: Many people don't know I'm often scared, and I strive to push through bigger fears every day. Because I'm considered an expert on the topic of millennial fear, people sometimes assume I have no fear. I love what I do because I get the opportunity to share what I do to overcome my fear in hopes of helping you push past your fears.Â
Be sure to stay updated with Darryl Bellamy Jr. by checking out his website: http://www.bellamyinspires.com/. Plus you can contact with his on all social platforms under :@.bellamyinspires