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  • Writer's pictureLoryn

Learn About The New Girl On The Block

I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Pauleanna Reid about five random facts about herself, what's something new she has learned about herself since the pandemic. Plus what inspired her to be a celebrity ghostwriter. Check out my interview with Pauleanna Reid below:

Loryn: What's something new you've learned about yourself since the pandemic?

Pauleanna: I learned to listen to my body and mind. I also learned that there is nothing wrong with being still. Pre-pandemic I had an agenda filled with travel dates and meetings. I was excited by the thrill of moving at a fast pace and didn't think twice of slowing down. But this year hit me differently because I was reminded that it is ok to stop, to breathe, to actually have hobbies. I was so concerned with being "busy" that I didn't even realize that I haven't enjoyed hobbies in a long time because my life was so consumed by my career. But this year I joined a chess club, I picked up swimming again, I work out 3 times a week and I do things that bring my heart joy. The word 'fun' has an entirely new meaning.

Loryn: What inspired you to become a celebrity ghostwriter?

Pauleanna: In 2014, I read an article about a ghostwriter who dropped out of high school to ghostwrite books for high profile people. I was fascinated by her story because she fearlessly pursued her passion for writing and the type of writing she specialized in caught my attention, too. So I looked more into this career path and made a mental note. At that time, I didn't realize it was what I would be ultimately called to do, but I knew I'd revisit the idea. I became inspired to take my career as a ghostwriter seriously after I penned my first speech for a client in 2016. I loved the feeling of serving a person in a position of power who was making a difference in the world.

Loryn: What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Paulenna: This is a game of grit and staying power.

Loryn: What advice would you give your younger self?

Pauleanna: Don't change anything about yourself. There's an advantage to being young, inexperienced, and weird.

Loryn: What's something not many people know about you?

Pauleanna: I have never tasted alcohol in my life.

Stay updated with Pauleanna Reid by checking out her website : Follow her on Twitter and Instagram under: @pauleannareid and @PauleannaR

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