I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Jayde Vincent about five random facts about herself, what are her thoughts on the future of TikTok . Plus her biggest accomplishment to date. Check out my interview with Jayde Vincent below:
Loryn: What are your thoughts on the future of TikTok?
Jayde: I think TikTok is too successful too be stopped, I don’t know what direction it will go in and who it will be owned by but I definitely don’t see TikTok ending any time soon. They are a force to be reckoned with for years to come.
Loryn: What's a lesson you've learned from being an entrepreneur?
Jayde: You always have to be on the ball, there’s always new topics to talk about and a whole lot of research. It’s hard work but it’s very rewarding at the end of the day.
Loryn: What advice would you give to your younger self?
Jayde: the advice I'd give to my younger self if to not be afraid and to hold back. Once I overcome my fear of being judged and allowed myself to be my truest self I noticed it not long benefited me in engagement growth but it also benefited my mental growth.
Loryn: What do you consider as your biggest accomplishment?
Jayde: This is a hard one as I’ve achieved so many things I never thought were possible for me such as reaching 1 million followers on TikTok to doing my very first public speaking event in Morocco. But, my most proudest achievement is probably the community I have. I have built such an amazing relationship with my followers and that is something I will never forget.
Loryn: What's something not many people know about you?
Jayde: I’m seen as this really outgoing and bubbly personality but I’m actually very vulnerable and shy. People see me as a popular figure but I live a very isolated life off social media .
Be sure to stay updated with Jayde Vincent by checking out her YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiqQaGoNZ46sKVqUwXc-8w. Plus you can contact with her on TikTok under the name : @Jaydecandance .