I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Christine Teh about ten random facts about herself, who what inspired her to go into finance. Plus what she is currently working on. Check out my interview with Christine below:
Loryn: What inspired you to go into finance?
Christine : I’ve always loved money as long as i remember!
Loryn: What advice would you give people about handling finance during this particular time?
Christine: Have a budget or spending plan, no matter what. We all need a system to track our finances.
Loryn: What is a lesson you've learned since being self-employed?
Christine: You’re always learning and hustling since you don’t know how much you’ll make in any given month.
Loryn: What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?
Christine: Quitting my corporate job and being on my own.
Loryn: What has been the biggest risk you've taken?
Christine: Quitting my corporate job.
Loryn: What's a podcast that you currently listen to?
Christine: Relationship podcast by Heater Carter. She’s my coach. I rarely listen to podcast but I’ll listen to hers.
Loryn: What your favorite conference to attend, or you wished to attend?
Christine: Hmm probably something around money.
Loryn: What is the one thing, that you can't live without?
Christine: My iPad. I don’t have a phone and live off my iPad.
Loryn: What are you currently working on?
Christine: Growing on IG. Now that I’m comfortable where I’m at with LinkedIn, my next step is to grow on a second social media platform and I’m good with the two. But let’s see where I’m at when I get there.
Loryn: I was depressed, lonely and unhappy with my life for a very long time before I found spirituality or found my way home you could say.
Be sure to stay updated with Christine Tech by checking out her website :https://www.tehfinancialcoaching.com/. Plus you can contact with her on all social platforms under the name Christine Tech.