I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview VanyerMedia very own Zain Gaziani about ten random facts about himself, the the most spontaneous thing he's ever done. Plus the best piece of advice he's received. Check out my interview with Zain below:
Loryn: What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Zain : I got free tickets to see Gary Vaynerchuk speak in Dallas, TX, and asked for my dream job on Team GaryVee during his Q&A - and he offered me a job!! I moved to NYC and have been on Team GaryVee since August 2019 and couldn't be happier :)
Loryn: If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
Zain: Nothing at this time! I have a ton of creative freedom and permission to test, learn, and fail fast. That's what it's all about!
Loryn: What a great book you've read or listened to recently?
Zain: I don't listen to or read many books - It feels like too much of a commitment. I'm much more of a podcast guy! Some of my favorite podcasts are GaryVee Audio Experience (duh!), Joe Rogan Experience, My Favorite Murder, and the Easy Allies Podcast.
Loryn: When you're having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
Zain: I can't recall the last bad day I had. There's definitely some stressful days, but it's a good kind of stressful. Like a "There's so much to do but wow, I can't believe I get to do this!" kind of stressful. And on those occasions, I make it a point to a) hit the gym and b) treat myself to a tasty snack.
Loryn: What is the best piece of advice you've received?
Zain:"Don't be hard on yourself" - Gary Vaynerchuk
Loryn: What are your hobbies?
Zain: I LOVE playing video games, doodling, and exploring new pizza shops.

Loryn: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Zain: Definitely morning! If I'm not up by 6 am, my full day feels off.
Loryn: What fad or trend do you hope comes back?
Zain:I really miss gel pens! Super underrated.
Loryn: What is the MUST SEE YouTube video or podcast to listen to?
Zain: So many! Outside of all things GaryVee, one video I highly recommend is Conan O' Brien's 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address. Being a long time fan of Conan (and his hilarious remotes and interviews), this commencement speech is a special one. My favorite quote from it is, "There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized." A must watch! Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmDYXaaT9sA
Loryn: What's something not many people know about you?
Zain: "Gnat" is my least favorite word. It was 2001 and it was Mrs. Smith's fifth grade class' spelling bee. After five rounds and 20 eliminations, I was officially in the top two and had a real chance of taking home 1st place (which included unlimited bragging rights and a free 100 for next week's spelling test). It all came down to me and Evan Murray.
Evan and I had been long time friends but that didn't matter here. This wasn't a game. It was the spelling bee.
Mrs. Smith congratulated the two of us and proceeded to move on to the next word we had to spell in front of our peers - "Gnat." I scribbled "NAT" on my sheet of paper and proudly showed it off to my classroom only to discover I had missed a silent G. Evan won the spelling bee and I had to take home runner up. I don't know a lot of things, but I definitely know how to spell "gnat" now.