
Oct 25, 20212 min

Learn How To Live In The Moment with Paige Corwin

I recently had the opportunity to exclusively interview Paige Corwin to learn five random facts about herself and the story behind her song One Twelve. Check out my interview with Paige below:

Loryn: What lesson has the music industry taught you?

Paige: To remember to stay true to myself and live in the moment. It is so easy to get caught up in negative thoughts but I remind myself that I will never be able to please everyone. If I give 100% and have confidence in my work, then that’s really all that matters. And of course, to remember to have fun!

Loryn: What is the story behind your song One Twelve?

Paige: One Twelve is about seeing so much potential in someone you love but they can’t see it themselves. & no matter how many times you try to get through to them, it feels as though they aren’t really listening.

Loryn: Who is a musician you'd like to work with in the future?

Paige: Ouuu, this is a tough question. There are so many musicians I would love to work with but I’d have to say Finneas. He is an incredible writer and I feel so connected to his work.

Loryn: How has the pandemic changed you?

Paige: My psychical and mental health feels stronger and healthier coming out of this pandemic because it put me through challenges I wasn’t prepared for. I grew more patient and grateful for the things we all are guilty of taking for granted, like health. During quarantine, I discovered HIIT workouts on YouTube and was hooked. No more gym memberships. I just sign on and do these every day. They’ve really helped strengthen my body and mindset!

Loryn: What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

Paige: I was a martial artist for 6+ years. I started off as a kickboxing instructor and wanted something more technical so started practicing Muay Thai and fell in love with the sport. I’m currently taking a break from it now, as music has taken over my schedule, but once I finish recording some new tracks and accept short nails, I’ll return to the mat!

Be sure to stay updated with Paige Corwin by following her on her social media platforms :

FB: @paigeacorwin

IG: @paigecorwin

